December 10th, 2018
After a perfect first season, our U16 girls represented BSE at the STYSA Fall Championship State finals at College Station, TX. Wonderful soccer display, technically, tactically and collectively it was all there to enjoy. Coach Amy Mueller and Yosselyn Aguilar have done an outstanding work applying our Methodology to the girls. This has been the girls first season together, improving week by week, they have a great future ahead. Congratulations!!!
We are extremely excited to announce that another one of our Academy players Terrie Bravo from BSE 03 ELITE team in Houston will be leaving today to join our player Development Program in Spain. Terrie will be continuing his development in search for his pro dreams. UEFA PRO coaches of group LSA Enric Barri and Fede Bessone will be guiding Terrie to achieve his maximum potential. Good luck Terrie, you can do this 💪
#Followyourdreams ⚽️ #SpanishStyleSoccer🇪🇸 #playerdevelopmentprogram #BarcelonaSoccerExcellence🇪🇸 Barcelona Soccer Excellence Academy, September 2018.
BSE 05 Select went undefeated and took Cup home !!! Barcelona Soccer Excellence Academy, September, 2018
BSE 04 Elite took home second place at the Houston Labor Day Cup, playing a wonderful final game vs Rise Elite II loosing 0-1. BARCELONA SOCCER EXCELLENCE ACADEMY, SPRING, TX, SEPTEMBER 2018 BSE 08 ELITE FINALIST AT THE HOUSTON LABOR DAY CUP GOLD BRACKET
These boys showcased outstanding soccer over the Memorial Day weekend tournament, very enjoyable soccer. Loosing 0-2 at the final vs Sugarland Arsenal , they represented our Academy with such a great standards and level of play. Congratulations.
Barcelona Soccer Excellence Academy, Round Rock, TX May 2018 Wonderfull work and representation from BSE 05 Select at the South Texas State Cup Finals in Round Rock Texas taking home second place at the State Championship!!! Congratulations!!!
Barcelona soccer Excellence Academy, Spring TX, April/2018
2018 BSE 05 Select went undefeated and took home the 2018 Easter Cup. Another great performance by these talented young players, showcasing Barcelona Style soccer playing against top Soccer Academies from Texas and other States. This team continues to develop at fast pace with a promising future ahead. Great Chavales!!! Barecelona Soccer Excellence Academy, Houston, TX June, 2018
BSE 08 Elite took home the silver during the Texas Open Cup in Spring, Texas. Wonderful performance from these passionate soccer young players, playing their first tournament together against some great soccer Academies from the Houston area, they were able to represent BSE by showcasing outstanding soccer. Great future ahead for this talented young boys. #Barcelonasocceracademy #Barcelonasoccerhouston. |
November 2024
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